The species of
birds that rely and visit your garden for food will totally depend on the
varieties and mixtures of feeds that you have available for them to eat.
You should always remember that your garden, your bird feeders, and the
variety and quality of feeds available represent a restaurant to birds.
Like all
good restaurateurs, to ensure that your
tables remain full, one must maintain a selection of the finest and
most nutritious feeds available.
You might
have many bird restaurants around your residence, many of which may be
'cheep' takeaways, selling high priced
corn-based feeds.
All of our
mixtures are blended to ensure the highest nutritional benefits by using
only the finest seeds available from around the world.
All mixtures
continue to undergo a most stringent testing programme to ensure that they
are totally palatable. With over twenty years continuous research we are
today extremely proud of our range of mixtures. These will ensure
your tables and feeders are inundated with the many wonderful species
which due to modern farming methods have become so reliant upon us all for
their survival.
Please visit our website to see what's on today's menu -
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