So with Winter just around the corner and Christmas just 5 weeks away, we wanted to make sure you're fully prepared for the cold snap with these 5 easy steps to Winter bliss for your feathered visitors ....
1. Your bird feeders should be filled regularly with fresh, frost free feed. Sunflower heart chips are an excellent source of nutrients for a wide variety of UK wild birds.
- 2. Fat Balls and Suet Blocks should be hung in your garden and on your patio - again your garden birds will love these as they are full of nuts, seeds and the all important fat to keep them full and help them build up a healthy plumage.
- 3. Birds like nothing more than live feed - but that can be very difficult for them to find when the ground is covered in ice and snow so put out some mealworms and waxworms - live are best, but dried will be a suitable alternative.
- 4. Water baths and drinking stations should be filled daily with fresh cold water. Do not put hot or boiling water out, but on the other hand please try to keep the ice off the water.
- 5. And finally, Nesting Boxes should be cleared out and repaired or replaced in preparation for the spring.
And don't forget our Photograph Competition where you can win a £50 voucher to spend at so put your feeders and baths in a position where you can see them from your kitchen window and get snapping away when your feathered friends come to dine.
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