In this article we discuss the different methods for attracting and keeping birds around during the winter months.
The three main things one needs to provide to keep birds during the winter are food, shelter and water. But why feed birds during the winter? Winter brings a change in the availability of natural food. Insects become dormant and are unavailable to most bird species. While woodpeckers, nuthatches, and other insect eaters can pry grubs and hibernating beetles from under tree bark, some others are more dependent on the availability of seeds, fruits and nuts, such as finches. Most birds supplement the natural foods that are available by visiting bird feeders for seeds and suet. This is especially true when a storm hits and their natural food becomes buried beneath the snow. As well, the days are becoming shorter and this reduces the amount of available time that the birds can forage for food, severely limiting the overall food intake per day.
Feeding birds during the winter is a great responsibility, and I want to stress that the birds will become dependent on you as a food source, occasionally at the expense of feeding elsewhere. As a result, one should not stop feeding during the winter months, from October through the end of April to early May, with late winter, from February on, being the most difficult period for the birds. It is also important that one fills the feeder in the morning so that the birds have sufficient time to feed during the shortened days. If you were the only person providing food to birds during those months and that food source disappeared, many birds could perish from starvation if they were not able to find a suitable food source quickly, which can often be difficult during severe winter storms. While this is my personal view and that of many others, there have been recent studies that suggest that stopping food during the winter is not detrimental to the birds. The survival rate of sunflower seed fed birds was twice that of birds that obtained all their food from the wild. While species like finches and sparrows, which do not cache any food, have no reserve food supply to help them if food abundance drops or if there is bad weather for a couple of days.
Providing Shelter
Cover, where birds can quickly flit into to hide from predators or use just for a resting place, can be in the form of deciduous trees or bushes, tall grasses, or a brush pile of discard twigs and branches. The latter is useful if one does not have sufficient cover nearby and wants to provide some quick hiding and perching spots.
Shelter can also be in the form of nest boxes, or special roosting boxes. Nest boxes used for breeding during the summer often get used as seed caches and for night time roosting sites.
Providing Water
While water is the least important of the three things I am discussing it can make a difference to the number of birds visiting your feeders. While we often think birds do not need open water once the snow has fallen, this is really not true. First, there is often a critical transitory period when there is no snow on the ground, yet all the puddles and small streams have frozen over from the cold. What do the birds do then? They must fly to a large open water source, like a river or lake, but this can be quite a distance from your feeder and the birds might decide to stay with a feeder that is closer to the water. Secondly, snow is extremely cold and we all know how much snow we have to melt to get a cup of water. With birds, eating cold snow requires, and takes away, energy through the melting process. This is a big waste of energy when the birds are trying to stay warm in frigid conditions.Feeding Stations
The most basic feeder is the ground itself. Many birds, such as juncos and grouse, prefer ground feeding. However, throwing seeds on the ground can be wasteful as they will get buried under snow. Seed could be placed under evergreens sheltered from snow, or you could just let the birds on the feeders scatter the seed onto the ground. A note of caution, seeds on the ground not only attract squirrels but the feeding birds attract the neighborhood cats as well.
Some people make their own feeders out of meticulously cleaned bleach bottles, milk cartons or from any number of fluid jugs, such as those that hold ‘spring water’ or windshield washer. But make sure you carefully clean out all residues if you use anything that might have a toxic residue. Plastic soft drink bottles can be used. Such feeders are not only cheap, they are useful as satellite feeders to try out new types of seeds.
Pole feeders, preferably with a squirrel baffle, are the easiest to install. The poles come in sections — with the bottom section hammered into the ground. To the top of the pole can be attached a platform or other type of hopper feeder, or other finger poles can be attached and feeders hung from them. The feeder must be at least 1.5 m (5 feet) above ground, preferably more, to prevent squirrels from jumping up onto it. The pole should also be at least 2½ m (8 feet) from any jumping surface, like tree, fence, building or deck, as these can provide jumping sites for the squirrels who think nothing of an 8-foot jump.
Other types of feeders include window shelves or feeders, and hanging feeders that can be attached to the soffit of your house or to a tree branch or pole. The advantage of the hanging feeders is that they can act as supplements to your platform feeder and, more important, each can be used to hold a specific food to attract specific species (see section 2 on foods). In this way, a species, such as goldfinch, can have its own feeding stations. Tube feeders are excellent for holding niger seed for finches. Hanging feeders with two or more compartments are also available, so that a mixture of seed types can be offered in the same unit, attracting different species to the same feeder.
There are also counter-weighted hopper feeders for those who are having trouble with squirrels. These feeders are weighted and lightweight birds do nothing, but a heavy squirrel will cause a door to come down over the feeding ports, preventing them from cleaning out all of the seed. Some feeders are designed to look like log cabins, country stores, and so on. To the birds, these designs do not mean anything, so pick your feeder for its utility, not its cuteness.
If your newly erected feeders are not used immediately, do not be dismayed. If the birds are not in the habit of visiting your yard, it may take them a few days to discover them. The birds will be the best advertisers for your feeders. Once one bird has discovered a feeder, others are sure to follow. The more species using your feeder, the more species they will attract. How long they stick around will depend on how well you have sited the feeder, types of seeds you have chosen, and if there is sufficient cover nearby.
One important note. Feeders and the ground must be cleaned regularly.
Droppings can accumulate and contaminate the food and feeders. Birds could then be more prone to disease transmission. As well, wet food is not eaten by birds. Food that has become wet in rain storms, or a thaw period, begins to decompose. This not only clogs your feeders, and makes it look like no one is eating the seeds, but could kill the birds. Moldy, rancid food could be eaten by birds, who do not have a good sense of smell, and die of food poisoning. In the spring, or when a warm period occurs during the winter, please rake up all the seeds and hulls and place them in a secure area, preferably the compost bin, where birds cannot get access to it.
Foods to Feed
While there are many books on feeding birds in winter I will go over a few basics. Depending on the types of birds you would like to attract you can buy your main seeds in bulk, preferably from a feed store like Kennedy Wild Bird Food since they tend to give the best prices. I would suggest, that one buys from a selection of black-oil sunflower, niger seeds, whole peanuts, and suet. These can then be placed out in whatever quantities that the birds will eat in one day.Sunflower Hearts
This is the most favoured of all the seeds, and if one only wants to feed one type of seed this should be it. It can be easily dispensed in any hanging feeder, on the ground or on a platform feeder.Niger Seeds
This is the most expensive seed we can buy for the birds, ranging from. Due to its high cost, it is usually only placed out for finches in specially designed niger feeders. These feeders have small, narrow holes where the seeds can only be extracted by fine billed birds.Peanuts & Other Nuts
Shelled, crushed, peanuts are much more expensive than whole. I normally place these into bubble feeders (feeder with upside down feeding holes that prevents perching birds like House Finches from getting seeds) where chicks and nuthatches are normally only able to feed, mainly when we are in the most severe weather and when late winter has set in. Shelled peanuts can be provided in special peanut feeders.
Suet & Fat Balls
Whatever you feed your birds this winter, and however you feed them, Kennedy Wild Birds have a massive range of seeds, buts, live feed, feeders and baths in stock today - pop into our shop in Deeping St James or buy online at
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